- 12345678
- 1234567890
- Aidan Maguire
- Al Capone
- Alastair Finnegan
- Albanian Mafia (Taken)
- Alex (A Clockwork Orange)
- Alex Godman
- Alex Murdoch
- Amanda Kinsella
- Aniello Dellacroce
- Annie Palmer
- Arthur Shelby
- Aryan Brotherhood (Oz)
- Ashley Davidson
- Asif Afridi
- August Marks
- Ava Jerome
- Avon Barksdale
- Barry Grant
- Belle (Zenless Zone Zero)
- Belobog Heavy Industries
- Ben Mitchell
- Bill Sikes
- Billy Kennedy
- Bobby Baccalieri
- Bobby Raikes
- Brendan Brady
- Brendan Kinsella
- Callum Finnegan
- Carl Saunders
- Carlo Gambino
- Chaing Wu
- Ciara Maguire
- Cole (Gangs of London)
- Cunning Hares
- Curtis (Top Boy)
- Damon Pope
- Danny Hardcastle
- Danny Houston
- Danny Santos
- Darren Foulkes
- Darren Tracey
- Dave Williams
- David "Noodles" Aaronson
- Derek Branning
- Diego Alcazar
- Dion O'Banion
- Dris Wright
- Dushane Hill
- Ed Dumani
- Eddie Nero
- Eric Kinsella
- Evie Steel
- Faith Rosco
- Fargo (2014)
- Fat Tony
- Fergus Collins
- Fernandinho Beira Mar
- Floyd Gerhardt
- Francis Cooney
- Frank Gusenberg
- Fraser Black
- Freddie Roscoe
- GTA Online Protagonist
- Gambino Crime Family
- Gangster Wiki
- Gangsters with the highest kill count (Movies)
- Gangsters with the highest kill count (Non-Fiction)
- Gangsters with the highest kill count (TV)
- Gary North
- Gerhardt Crime Family
- Giovanni Silencio
- Glen Wright
- Glenn Donovan
- Grace Black
- Harry Foulkes
- High Table
- Hymie Weiss
- Isaak Sirko
- Jabba's Criminal Empire
- Jack Michaelson
- Jade Garrick
- Jagger Rawley
- Jamie Tovell
- Janice Soprano
- Jaq Lawrence
- Jason Cox
- Jax Teller
- Jesse Pinkman
- Jimmy Darmody
- Jimmy Kinsella
- Joanne Francis
- Joel Dexter
- Joey Godden
- John Abruzzi
- John Boy Power
- John Gotti
- John Shelby
- John Wick
- Johnny Allen
- Johnny Torrio
- Johnny White
- Jonah Tyler
- Kamale Lewis
- Katya Godman
- Kazuma Kiryu
- Kieron Edgerton
- Koshka Brotherhood
- Kyle Ryder
- Lale (Gangs of London)
- Lenny Murdoch
- Les The Embalmer (Hollyoaks)
- Liam Donovan
- Lorenzo Alcazar
- Los Carnales
- Los Muertos
- Louie (Skins)
- Louie Walters
- Luke (Skins)
- Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
- Marcano Crime Family
- Max Legman
- Maya Harkwell
- Micheal Kinsella
- Morris Gregory (Modie)
- Murphy (Hollyoaks)
- Narcos
- Nigel Dalaney
- Niko Bellic
- Norma Crow
- Olivia Jerome
- Pablo Escobar
- Pat tate
- Peaky Blinders
- Peaky Blinders (2013)
- Peter Gusenberg
- Phil Mitchell
- Polly Gray
- Pope Partners, Inc.
- Promised Blood
- Rachel Haley
- Ray Mullan
- Rebecca Harper
- Rex Gallagher
- Richard Wheatley
- Richie Aprile
- Rick Neelan
- Rise Of The Foot Soldier
- Rob (Skins)
- Robbie Roscoe
- Ronan Trueman
- Rose Finnegan
- Sammy Gravano
- Santa Blanca Cartel
- Scarface (film)
- Scott Anderson
- Sean Kennedy
- Semiyon Kleiman
- Shai-Gen Corporation
- Shane Sweeney
- Shie Hassaikai
- Silvio Dante
- Simon Adebisi
- Sissler (Brookside)
- Sofia Falcone
- Sonny Corinthos
- Sons of Anarchy
- Sons of Calydon
- Sons of Samedi
- Speaks (Top Boy)
- Stefano DiMera
- Steve Owen
- Stix Redman
- Sully (Gerard Sullivan)
- TV
- Tarasov Crime Family
- Terry Gibson
- Terry Smart
- The Barksdale Organization
- The Bikers (Oz)
- The Boss (Saints Row)
- The Brotherhood (Saints Row)
- The Cartel (Breaking Bad)
- The Christians (Oz)
- The Deckers
- The Godfather
- The Greeks
- The Homeboys (Oz)
- The Kray Twins
- The Luchadores
- The Morningstar
- The Muslims (Oz)
- The Ronin
- The Sopranos
- The Stanfield Organization
- The Vice Kings
- Thomas Shelby
- Tommy Egan
- Tommy McCardle
- Tommy Rava
- Tommy Shelby
- Tony Soprano
- Tracy Quartermaine
- Trevor Royle
- Trigger (Hollyoaks)
- Tyler Foulkes
- Vanessa Fisk
- Vee (Top Boy)
- Vic Mackey
- Victor Brothers
- Victor Vance
- Victoria Housekeeping
- Volk (Crackdown)
- Walter White
- Warren Fox
- Waxey Gordon
- Westside Rollerz
- Xander Kiriakis
- Yuri Kosygin
- Yvonne Atkins